Pubg Mobile Upcoming Premium Crate 21June 2020

The premium crate option was disabled in PUBG Mobile on 31st May 2020. Now everyone is waiting for premium create.
Let me tell you that you don't have to wait any longer this week That is 21st June 2019 premium crate will come. 

Pubg mobile upcoming premium crate
Bloodhawk Warrior set

Premium Crate Items

Now I will tell what outfits and gun skins will be in this crate. Let's take a look at the trailer of this premium create first.
There are 2 mythic outfits,  legendary outfits, plane skin and others in this premium creat.
Blood hawk set
Bloodhawk set 
This is the mythic  outfit of Premium Crate.
Bloodhawk Warrior plane
Bloodhawk Warrior Finish
This is a premium crate plane. It Built on Bloodhawk Warrior theme. 
Dawn Hunter set
Dawn Hunter Set
Its headgear is the best. What is your favourite outfit comment below. 
purple witch doctor backpack
purple witch doctor Backpack
I think this backpack is the best backpack in Pubg Mobile. 


Purple witch doctor - pan
Purple witch doctor - pan

Purple magnolia awm
Purple Magnolia Awm

Another such Awm skin come  in 0.19.0 . It will be an upgradable skin.
Bloodhawk Warrior Parachute
Bloodhawk Warrior Parachute

This is the last Skin of today, it means the last of this premium create. 

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