Pubg Mobile Season 14 Release Date and Rewards

Today's article will be given to all the Leaks of Pubg Mobile Season 14 . After 0.19.0 beta version releases all information about Pubg Mobile Season 14 is available . Pubg mobile season 14 theme called " Spark The Flames ". All the rewards and release dates of Pubg Mobile Season 14 will be mentioned in today’s article
Pubg mobile season 14 logo
Season 14

Pubg mobile season 14 release date

As mentioned in the Royale Pass of Season 13
that season 13 will end on 12th July 2020 . that means season 14 Royale Pass will release on 14 July 2020. And like every season players will be able to push the rank until the 13th July 2020.
Pubg mobile Royale pass season 13
Season 13 Royal Pass

Pubg mobile season 14 tier rewards

We know that Pubg Mobile has an option called tier rewards . There are different types of outfits, Gun skin and parachute on different tires every season . Similarly, in Season 14 , different Rewards will be given on different tires from Gold Tire to Conqueror Tier . So let's take a look at the Tier Rewards of Season 14.

Gold tire

This Outfit can be found completing five matches after going on gold tires on Pubg Mobile.
Gold tire Reward pubg mobile season 14
Gold Tire outfit

Platinum tier

This Outfit can be found completing five matches after going on Platinum tires on Pubg Mobile.
Platinum tier outfit pubg mobile season 14
Platinum tier outfit

Diamond tier

This M24 can be found completing five matches after going on Diamond tires on Pubg Mobile.
Diamond tier m24
Diamond tier M24

Ace tier 

This parachute can be found completing five matches after going on Ace tires on Pubg Mobile. 
Season 14 Ace tier parachute pubg mobile
Ace tier parachute

Conqueror tier

This frame can be found completing five matches after going on conqueror tires on Pubg Mobile. 
We will update our website after getting  Frame image. 

Pubg Mobile Season 14 RP Rewards

Not all Season 14 RP Rewards are known on Pubg  Mobile but the ones that are known are given below


Pubg Mobile Season 14 100RP outfit

Pubg mobile season 14 100rp outfit
100 RP outfit

Season 14 avatar

Season 14 avatar
Season 14 avatar

Season 14 RP Card

Pubg RP card
Season 14 RP card

Season 14 frame

Season 14 pubg mobile frame
Pubg mobile season 14  frame

Season 14 purchase reward

You can purchase this gun skin 180 UC
Season 14 pubg mobile purchase bonus
Season 14 purchase bonus

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