Pubg mobile Arctic Mode Drone location

Hello, guy  Today I will explain about the drone and tell you where it can be found Tne new Arctic Mode.

Arctic Mode :

Arctic Mode Release on 16 April 2020.

About Arctic Mode:

PUBG MOBILE tries to bring something new to their Game. So they make a new mode whose name Arctic Mode. This Mode is played in the kendi Map.

How to play Arctic Mode :

Arctic Mode is completely different from the classic Mode. This Mode has shown a very cool feeling like a real one and what ailments people may have in the cool feeling. Cold storms can be seen here, and when this storm is out of the house, the health decreases. The first cool storm occurs 10 minutes after the match begins.

  • So staying indoors during a cold storm.
  • If your body temperature is reduced then light a fire in the house and use the bandages of the Temperature.
  • If you're out of the room, use a heater.

Here are the basic tips 😊

Drone location:
This time it will be told where you can find Drone.

Vikendi map picture HD

The drone is mainly found in such boxes
It was found at the time of loot.

Hopefully, Guy, You must find Drone in the places where the red cercal

 Now Fun Time.

Pubg mobile classic crate, silver fragment


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